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Mazourōth is a Biblical Hebrew Word found in the Book of Job (38:32) and literally meaning "constellations," according to 10th-century biblical exegete Saadia Gaon, while others interpret the word as Garland of Crowns, but its context is that of Astronomical Constellations, and it is often interpreted as a term for the Zodiac or the Constellations thereof. In Yiddish, the term mazalot came to be used in the sense of "astrology" in general, surviving in the expression "mazel tov," meaning
"good fortune.
(Enki)...What has you overpowered? Enki to his son Marduk said. Unheard of are your pretensions!
(Marduke) The heavens, the heavens my supremacy bespeak! Marduk his father Enki answered. The Bull of Heaven (Taurus), Enlil's constellation sign, by his own offspring was slain, In the heavens the Age of the Ram (Aries), my age, is coming, unmistakable the omens are! In his abode, in Eridu, the circle of the twelve constellations Enki examined, On the first day of spring, the beginning of a year, sunrise was carefully observed; In the constellation stars of the Bull was the sun that day rising... - The Lost Book of ENKI
The Age of Aries, or the Ram, spans approximately the period between 2200 and 100 BC. It is the age defined by the Sun being in the constellation of Aries on the spring equinox.
The Maza Dial of Destiny is a project designed to conceptualize and replicate the heavens above, it is a type of oracle that allows one to peer into the sky, The inspiration is from the human eye which has the symbolic corolation to the zodiac, I incorperated numerology, shapes, theology and astrology.
in a single flash of insight i came up with a quote "The secrets of life is hidden in the degrees of the zodiac," This spurred me onwards to pursue the creation of a device that would solidify ...
We believe that photography is not just about taking pictures but about capturing moments and telling stories. Our approach to photography is personal and tailored to your needs, ensuring that we capture the essence of every subject we photograph.
We believe that photography is not just about taking pictures but about capturing moments and telling stories. Our approach to photography is personal and tailored to your needs, ensuring that we capture the essence of every subject we photograph.
ATLAS is a general-purpose particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It is designed to exploit the full discovery potential of the LHC, pushing the frontiers of scientific knowledge. ATLAS' exploration uses precision measurement to push the frontiers of knowledge by seeking answers to fundamental questions such as: What are the basic building blocks of matter? What are the fundamental forces of nature? What is dark matter made of?. ATLAS is the largest detector ever constructed for a particle collider: 46 metres long and 25 metres in diameter. Its construction pushed the limits of existing technology. ATLAS is designed to record the high-energy particle collisions of the LHC, which take place at a rate of over a billion interactions per second in the centre of the detector. More than 100 million sensitive electronics channels are used to record the particles produced by the collisions, which are then analysed by ATLAS scientists.
Sympathetic magic
Also known as imitative magic, is a type of magic based on imitation or correspondence. Imitation Imitation involves using effigies, fetishes or poppets to affect the environment of people, or people themselves. Voodoo dolls are an example of fetishes used in this way: the practitioner uses a lock of hair on the doll to create a link (also known as a "taglock") between the doll and the donor of this lock of hair. In this way, that which happens to the doll will also happen to the person.
The Law Of Correspondence
Correspondence is based on the idea that one can influence something based on its relationship or resemblance to another thing. Many popular beliefs regarding properties of plants, fruits and vegetables have evolved in the folk-medicine of different societies owing to sympathetic magic. This include beliefs that certain herbs with yellow sap can cure jaundice, that walnuts could strengthen the brain because of the nuts' resemblance to brain, that red beet-juice is good for the blood, that phallic-shaped roots will cure male impotence, etc; many of these fall under the Doctrine of Signatures. Many traditional societies believed that an effect on one object can cause an analogous effect on another object, without an apparent causal link between the two objects. For instance, many folktales feature a villain whose "life" exists in another object, and who can only be killed if that other object is destroyed, as in the Russian folktale of Koschei the Deathless. Mircea Eliade wrote that in Uganda, a barren woman is thought to cause a barren garden, and her husband can seek a divorce on purely economic grounds.
Sympathetic magic has been considered in relation to Paleolithic cave paintings such as those in North Africa and at Lascaux in France. The theory, which is partially based on studies of more modern hunter-gatherer societies, is that the paintings were made by magic practitioners who could potentially be described as shamans. The shamans would retreat into the darkness of the caves, enter into a trance state and then paint images of their visions, perhaps with some notion of drawing power out of the cave walls themselves. In 1933, Leo Frobenius, discussing cave paintings in North Africa, pointed out that many of the paintings did not seem to be mere depictions of animals and people. To him, it seemed as if they were acting out a hunt before it began, perhaps as a consecration of the animal to be killed. In this way, the pictures served to secure a successful hunt.
Correspondence and esotericism
Symbolic and real correspondences (there is no room for abstractions here!) are said to exist among all parts of the universe, both seen and unseen....These correspondences, considered more or less veiled at first sight, are, therefore, intended to be read and deciphered....The principles of noncontradiction and excluded middle of linear causality are replaced here by those of the included middle and synchronicity. We can distinguish two kinds of correspondences.
First, those that exist in nature, seen and unseen, e.g. between the seven metals and the seven planets, between the planets and parts of the human body or character (or of society). This is the basis of astrology - correspondence between the natural world and the invisible departments of the celestial and supercelestial world, etc. Next there are correspondences between nature (the cosmos) or even history, and revealed texts. Here we find the Kabbalah, whether Jewish or Christian, and varieties of 'physica sacra'....Ultimately the world stage is a linguistic phenomena."
We know that in Jewish legends these pre-diluvian gods were called “Watchers”, from the Hebrew “ayin”, meaning “to look”, from which we get the English word “eye.” It seems that this may point to these gods being able to use their eyes as their primary form of communication. This is why their eyes in particular were said to shine “like flaming fire.” This is why both they and their half-human descendants could put a person under a spell, or communicate “telepathically” using their eyes to give and receive information in the form of light
...Undoubtedly, the gods and human god-kings were able to see and communicate using wavelengths of light that we do not have access to. It is worth noting that planets put out waves of energy, including light, on a constant basis, which can be “tuned into” with modern electronic devices. How much more so could the gods and the god-kings, who associated themselves with the stars and planets, understand the language which the heavenly bodies spoke? Enoch purportedly learned from the Watchers how to read the “tablet of Heaven”, and how to interpret the stars and planets. (The Merovingian Mythos and the Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau by Tracy Twyman)
Geomancy translates literally to "earth divination," and the term is used for methods of divination that interpret geographic features, markings on the ground, or the patterns formed by soil, rocks, or sand. Geomancy was practiced by people from all social classes. It was one of the most popular forms of divination throughout Africa and Europe, particularly during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, although in Renaissance magic, geomancy was classified as one of the seven "forbidden arts", along with black magic, hydromancy, aeromancy, pyromancy, chiromancy (palmistry), and scapulimancy.
A magic circle is a circle of space marked out by practitioners of some branches of ritual magic, which they generally believe will contain energy and form a sacred space, or will provide them a form of magical protection, or both. It may be marked physically, drawn in a material like salt, flour, or chalk, or merely visualised. Traditionally, circles are believed by ritual magicians to form a protective barrier between themselves and what they summon. One text known as the Heptameron says of the circle, 'But because the greatest power is attributed to the circles; (for they are certain fortresses to defend the operators safe from the evil spirits); in the first place we will treat concerning the composition of a circle.'
As a supplication or prayer, an invocation implies calling upon God, a god, goddess, or person. When a person calls upon God, a god, or goddess to ask for something (protection, a favour, or his/her spiritual presence in a ceremony) or simply for worship, this can be done in a pre-established form or with the invoker's own words or actions. Aleister Crowley states that To "invoke" is to "call in", just as to "evoke" is to "call forth". This is the essential difference between the two branches of Magick. In invocation, the macrocosm floods the consciousness. In evocation, the magician, having become the macrocosm, creates a microcosm.
Shiva is known as The Destroyer within the Trimurti, the Hindu trinity which also includes Brahma and Vishnu. In the Shaivite tradition, Shiva is the Supreme Lord who creates, protects and transforms the universe. In the goddess-oriented Shakta tradition, the Supreme Goddess (Devi) is regarded as the energy and creative power (Shakti) and the equal complementary partner of Shiva. Shiva is one of the five equivalent deities in Panchayatana puja of the Smarta tradition of Hinduism.
ATLAS was the Titan god who bore the sky aloft. He personified the quality of endurance (atlaô). Atlas was a leader of the Titanes (Titans) in their war against Zeus and after their defeat he was condemned to carry the heavens upon his shoulders. According to others he was instead (or later) appointed guardian of the pillars which held the earth and sky asunder. Atlas was also the god who instructed mankind in the art of astronomy, a tool which was used by sailors in navigation and farmers in measuring the seasons. These roles were often combined and Atlas becomes the god who turns the heaven on their axis, causing the stars to revolve.
A form of possession
The word "possession" is used here in its neutral form to mean "a state (sometimes psychological) in which an individual's normal personality is replaced by another". This is also sometimes known as 'aspecting'. This can be done as a means of communicating with or getting closer to a deity or spirit, and as such need not be viewed synonymously with demonic possession.
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is a detector dedicated to heavy-ion physics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It is designed to study the physics of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities, where a phase of matter called quark-gluon plasma forms.
This acronym ALICE is an obvious alusion to "alice in wonderland" the story of a young girl named Alice sits bored by a riverbank, where she suddenly spots a White Rabbit with a pocket watch and waistcoat lamenting that he is late. The surprised Alice follows him down a rabbit hole (Portal), which sends her down a lengthy plummet but to a safe landing. Inside a room with a table, she finds a key to a tiny door, beyond which is a beautiful garden.
One of the first recorded “clocks” was created by an Italian inventor, Giovanni de Dondi of Padua who built his Astrarium: it was an astronomical clock considered to be the wonder of its age.
Around 1410, the first clockmakers develop the mainspring. Combined with the fusee, this innovation made possible the creation of the first truly portable domestic clocks and, as components grew smaller, paved the way for the production of watches. The first mechanical clocks appear almost simultaneously in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and France around the end of the 1400s, and the process of miniaturization of clocks begins, as the affluent people back then treat this new wonder as an object of distinction.
1. The principle of mentalism
"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental."
2. The principle of correspondence
"As above, so below; as below, so above.” [...] This principle embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of being and life.
3. The principle of vibration
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."
4. The principle of polarity
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."[8]
5. The principle of rhythm
"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."
6. The principle of cause and effect
"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law."
7. The principle of gender
"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes."
"Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it." - Habakkuk 2:2
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